
Powerpoint 2016 New Morph Demo

We let the TLC Creative Presentation Design Team loose to experiment with PowerPoint 2016’s new Morph transition/animation – the results are fun, great and inspirational!

Here is our design team’s Morph ideas compiled and output as a video.

– The Design Team @ TLC

By |2016-08-10T08:36:39-07:00February 26th, 2016|Portfolio, PowerPoint|

MORPH Now Available in PowerPoint 2016!

Office 365 subscription users have a new feature in PowerPoint called Morph, which was automatically added* (and you may not even know it is there). There is a long list of animation requests, but this feature is a slide transition that creates animation visuals, all without looking at the animation tab. Here is an example animation that took less than 3 minutes to create.

Morph Demo:


The process is easy. If you have used Mac Keynote’s Magic Move, the concept is similar – but PowerPoint’s Morph has a few distinctions. Slide setup is easy. For this sample, I added an arrow to the first slide, duplicated that slide and moved the arrow to a new position. Then, I duplicated that slide and re-positioned the arrow, flipped it, and recolored it. Finally, I duplicated the slide 1 last time and added in a collection of additional arrows. No animation.

Morph 1

After designing the 4 slides, it just needed to have a few slide transitions. To find Morph, go to the slide transition tab and look for the new transition option.
Morph 2

(1.) Slide 1 = Fade slide transition

(2.) Slide 2 = Morph slide transition

(3.) Slide 3 = Morph slide transition

(4.) Slide 4 = Wipe from Right slide transition

Again, all of this motion is achieved with no animation!

Morph 3

Download this Sample Animation.

*Morph is available as of this post to Office 365 subscription users that has opted in for the Insiders Program (basically Microsoft’s Beta release program).

-Troy @ TLC

By |2019-10-31T22:16:49-07:00February 3rd, 2016|PowerPoint|

Animation : Morph Images By Rotating In/Out

Sometimes you want to give a little pizzazz to entrance of a new image. Here I added movement with a rotation to the images for something unique.

This requires a bit of preparation, but everything is done inside PowerPoint.
○ Insert both images on the slide
○ The first image, that will be fading out, apply a FADE OUT and SPIN animation. I set the spin to be 40º and CLOCKWISE
○ For the second image, right-click and choose FORMAT PICTURE. Go to the SIZE tab and set the ROTATION (I set mine to 20º)
○ Apply a FADE IN and SPIN animation. Set the spin to COUNTER CLOCKWISE and the same rotation you set in the step above (mine is set to 20º)
○ Set all animations to WITH PREVIOUS
○ Set the animations for the second image to begin at a .2 second delay

The sample presentation can be downloaded here.

Troy @ TLC

By |2016-11-17T14:03:28-07:00June 30th, 2006|Tutorial|
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