Perfect shape 1

Sometimes just knowing a hack can save a lot of time. So this is one of those tips included in our TLC Creative PowerPoint training programs where someone always exclaims “Really!!” The tip is how to immediately add a perfect shape (same on all sides), ie. a circle, square or triangle. The solution is so simple, there is nothing complex to forget. Ready,

Click the desired shape in the shapes gallery

Perfect shape 2

Click on the slide. Note: just a simple click, no click and drag, no modifier keys, nothing, just click on the slide.

Perfect shape 3

Done! A perfect, equal sided, square, circle, triangle, etc. is added to the slide


And the shortcut to the shortcut!

Hold down the CTRL key and click on desired shape in the shapes gallery

Perfect shape 5

Perfect symmetrical shape is automatically added to the slide!

Perfect shape 6

Troy @ TLC