From a project, this slide was about how co-workers perceive the actions of different departments within their own orgranization. The title was shortened to a simple statement of “Public Perception”. The 4 wordy bullets of text eliminated and replaced with a single image that the presenter was able to talk to and use to set the stage for a quick story and explanation of the point being made.

The image was developed from a few Royalty Free images (from that I modified in Photoshop before adding to the slide.
1. Group image holding blank white sign that I dropped out the background from and saved as a .png with transparency (note the middle guys head is able to overlap the title bar)

2. 3D rendering image of a generic group of characters (in this case representing the ‘other’ departments).

3. The speech bubbles and talking symbols where added in PowerPoint. The speech bubbles an imported .emf I created in Illustrator and the text as stylized PPT text.

4. The reflection is from PPT

– Troy @ TLC